Saturday, September 7, 2013

Horrible Run

Friday morning was rough. I had asked everyone if they wanted to run with me and everyone had a reason that they couldn't. So I had a choice to make. I could stay home or find the motivation and go. 

I loaded the single jogging stroller into the car, loaded Hugh, and we headed to Ocee Park. It's now my favorite place to go and run.

We got to the park after fighting hellish traffic. I had stretched for about 20 minutes at home prior to leaving, so I felt good. I loaded Hugh into the stroller, got my music set up on my phone, and we set off.

Hugh wasn't sure what to think, but he seemed really happy. I was two cycles into my run when I noticed that my stroller was wobbly. Three cycles in and I started to hear a weird dragging sound, and when I looked, I noticed that not only did I have ONE flat tire, but I had TWO flat tires.

I had to continue, but it was brutal. Not only was it making a really horrible noise, but it was heavy and hard to push and steer. I made it around once, and stopped at my car to put Hugh back into his infant carrier and put him into the frame stroller.

He was quite unhappy to leave the jogger and head into the carrier. He screamed and screamed, and all the while, I was sweating, and tired, and sore.

I could have just called it a morning right then and there, but I decided to keep going and finish my run. Well, Hugh was not happy about my choice. I got 1/2 way around the loop and he was done. So I had to cut my run short and head back to the car as quickly as I could.

I finished by 9 and I had run just over a mile. I was exhausted from having to push Hugh and then change strollers and then deal with his screaming. It wasn't the best run, but as I drove home, I was happy that I at least tried. I am now free to relax until Monday night. 

I woke up this morning SO SORE. My arms really hurt from pushing the stroller. I guess muscle pain is a good thing because it means I'm doing something right!!