Monday, June 11, 2012

A Morning Run??

Last night I had EVERY intention of getting up at 5:30 and going for a run. I had told Steve my plan and asked him to wake me when he was getting up-- that way I'd have time to get myself ready and then be out the door by 5:30. 

I'm on week three of the Couch 2 5K program and today's run was going to be walking for 5 minutes, jogging for 3 minutes, walking for 3 minutes, jogging for 1.5 minutes, walking for 1.5 minutes, jogging for 5 minutes, walking for 5 minutes, jogging for 1.5 minutes, walking for 5 minutes and a 5 minute cool-down. I was actually a little excited to start this new "round" and see how I did. 

Well... between the torrential downpour this morning AND Steve coming and waking me at 5:50... I didn't get out to run. When I asked him what time it was, he said, "5:50" and I knew there was no way I could go. It takes me thirty minutes and he HAS to leave the house no later than 6:20. I was still laying in bed, so I'd have to get ready and that would be at least 5-10 minutes and that'd make him late for work.


So instead I said, "Okay... I'll just go later tonight." Well, it's been raining ALL. DAY. No kidding. 

I am determined to give this a try-- a solid effort (I mean I even went to bed at 9:30 last night so I'd be well-rested to run) and I shall try again Wednesday. (Why not tomorrow you ask??? Yep. You guessed it, RAIN.)