Tuesday, October 8, 2013

20 Straight Minutes

Last night I wasn't sure if I was going to run or not. I was still sore from Saturday and I read something that said to take two days off and then a slow transition back into training. However, there's no rest for the weary and by 7pm, I was mentally good to go.

I picked Lesley up and we talked about where we are on our training. She was starting Week 5 and I was ending week 5.

I'm not sure what it is about C25K Week five, but it's grueling. It's probably because up until then, each work out is just a bit more difficult and it gradually builds up and then you get to week 5 and it's a total change.

We met up with Stacey and the three of us started our five minute warm-up. When we got to the running part... I started out on the longest run of my life (honestly).

Even when I ran track in middle school and did the 800 (two miles), the longest I ever had to run was like 15 minutes because I was much faster back in the day. 

So I started out slow... and I just did it. It was hard, and I wanted to stop at different points, but do you want to know what honestly kept me going? This:

My friend Aimee told me about it. It's the Nike Running app (it's free) and you can have it post to your Facebook to let others know that you're running. And while you're running, they can cheer you on!! As I ran, I had over 10 cheers come through (I think it was like 13) and they came at just the right moment. It was so awesome to run and to know that someone was seeing my FB post and liking it to give me that extra support that I needed!! If you run and don't use this app yet, I HIGHLY recommend it!!!

What's funny about running for 20 minutes is that eventually, your body just goes and you don't have to really think anymore. I found my breathing was aligning with my steps and while it was hard, it wasn't as painful as previous runs.
I made it to the cool down and then had a potty emergency. Must have been my insides sloshing around or something... I'm not sure what's up with running and needing to use the bathroom. I swear I need to wear depends when I run. I ALWAYS feel like I need to pee!!

Anyway-- Here's my time from yesterday:
Walk Distance: 0.60  16:39 min per mile    Run Distance: 1.17 miles  17:05 min per mile
Total distance for yesterday: 1.77 miles.

I'm not too excited that my distance was shorter, but I think it's because I was running slower than usual. I felt like I needed to go slower so I could endure the entire 20 minute run. With everything, the more you practice, the better you'll be. I'm hoping the same is true of running.

The awesome news is that I finished Week 5. I am now on Week 6 and my first run is: 5 minute warm-up walk, then run 5, walk 3, run 8, walk 3, run 5 and cool down. It's a 34 minute workout... but I think I can handle it and can do the runs with walking in between.

And then Week 6 Day 2 is another good one-- 5 minute warm up, jog 10 walk 3 and job 10. More my speed for sure.

The great thing about finishing week 5 is that I'm not afraid of the 20 minute run anymore. I not only faced it, but I did it and I now know that I CAN do it. Running is such a mental game... for real. I just have to keep saying:

I've got this.

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