I got a comment last week from Christy and she said that at some point I'm going to have to stop calling it walgging, and call it what it is: running. She's right. I don't want to discount the effort I put into jogging. It's hard. It hurts.
This morning I was supposed to meet Pilar at the Greenway at 9:45. We had our last playgroup today at 10:30 at Christy's, so she wasn't able to join us. I got to the Greenway at 9:40 and pulled the stroller out, got Gus loaded up, and then Pilar called. She was running a bit behind, and she said to just get started without her.
So I did.
Did you read that? I could have flaked. I could have cheated and just walked, but I started without someone else there to push me. I am so proud of myself.
I decided to try to jog for the full minute and see how it felt. The first two cycles were okay, but it was going on 10am and it was VERY humid. I had to take my glasses off because they were fogging up, and it felt incredibly weird to be walking and jogging without my glasses. My vision was skewed a bit.
I did a total of four cycles of doing a full minute. The rest of the time I did 45 seconds at a time, and then once Pilar arrived, she and I finished the session together. I did one 30 second cycle because my legs were starting to hurt and I was just tired. But I didn't give up.
I weighed myself yesterday and I am down another pound. I'm proud of myself and I have to just stay focused on each week. I decided to make Saturday my weigh-in day from now on. I'll weigh-in Saturday morning and then I'll be able to not worry so much during the remainder of the weekend. I'm on a MWF running schedule, and it's helpful to have Monday to get me back on track for anything over the weekend.
I've learned that soda is a killer when it comes to calories. I drink it too easily and it's empty calories. I'm learning to rethink about food. There are definitely times where it's worth it to indulge, but for the most part, I need to redefine my relationship with food. I don't NEED it to be happy. I need it to survive.
I'm making better choices, and I'm starting to see results. I ordered a sports bra and a pair of capri running pants to wear in the summer (I have no exercise clothes). I had a pair that I was wearing in my usual size, and when I wore them running, they kept falling down (along with my undies). So I ordered a new pair, in a smaller size.
I was worried that they wouldn't fit, and would be too tight. I wore them today and they're actually comfortable. :-) My bra is almost too big (weird right???). So things are happening inside me... but it's not always visible which is hard.
I saw this and thought it was so appropriate. I started running three weeks ago. So by this time next week, I should start to really notice some changes, and I'm excited.
We're going to MI and IN in a week and I'm excited to see family and friends. My dad said he'll get up with me each MWF and run with me. I don't want to disappoint him... I'm not a FAST runner and my jogging is hardly faster than walking, but I'm trying. I hope he appreciates the fact that I'm just giving it my best shot. I'm glad that I'll be able to stay on track with my C25K training while on vacation.
The eating is going to be a challenge. I think I just need to stay aware of calories, and keep logging what I'm eating.
Speaking of calories. Today... I put my heart monitor on as soon as I was up and dressed. I started the recording of calories/activity right away. Then we went to the Greenway and over to the playdate at Christy's. When I got home and looked to see calories burned... I had over 1400 calories burned in a five hour and fifty minute period of time.
Is that crazy??? I need to do some research on this because I'm scared my watch is broken and giving wrong info. Do larger people burn more than smaller people? Is that why it'd say 1400 calories?I know our bodies burn calories throughout the day, but I was shocked to see so many. Granted, I did jog for a minute instead of just 30 seconds or 45 second intervals, but would that really boost my calories burned so much? I don't know.
Anyway... it hurt and I am tired, but I finished and the feeling after I'm done is so worth the effort. I like feeling accomplished and like I worked myself. I was a sweaty beast, but sweat is good. I feel good.
I am a runner.